What you Need to Know When Hiring a Freelance Writer

March 31, 2017

A highly-skilled freelance writer is a terrific asset to your business. The writer’s skills can give your organization a professional polish, and your marketing materials will have “conversion” written all over them. But now comes the hard part. How do you actually find the ideal writer for the job? There are many factors to consider. Thankfully […]

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Handling Picky Freelance Writing Clients

March 29, 2017

You’ve just landed a new client, and you’re absolutely stoked. Here’s an opportunity to earn more money and build your freelance writing business. You know, as long as everything goes smoothly. What happens, then, when your client turns out to be overly picky? Suddenly, you’re not so excited about your new business opportunity. According to […]

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Freelance Writing Taught Me 5 Lessons about My Job

March 27, 2017

This guest post, Freelance Writing Taught Me 5 Lessons about My Job, is from Kelly Vo. Kelly is a writer, CEO of Kevo Writing, and member of the nDash Content Community. Starting a career as a freelance writer isn’t easy. That may be a bit of an understatement. It’d be more accurate to say that […]

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Freelance Writing is Affected by Technology in Many Ways

March 24, 2017

Imagine what it was like 15 years ago trying to strike out on your own. Just getting a home office set up would break the banks of most who are freelance writing today. Printers, fax machines, an extra phone line for dial-up? Then, how would they even find clients? The want-ads? Nowadays, all most freelancer […]

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Writer Spotlight: Victoria Brock

March 24, 2017

If you’re looking to work with a writer who has a great sense of humor – and loves to write about a variety of topics – look no further than Victoria Brock, one of the talented writers on the nDash platform. Keep on reading to learn about why she decided to become a freelance writer […]

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Hack the Entrepreneur Featuring Michael Brown

March 22, 2017

Starting and running a business is often seen as a tactical, logistical endeavor. But as Michael Brown discussed in a recent Hack the Entrepreneur podcast, it’s also a highly creative process. You can also learn more about Michael Brown, his freelance writing background, and the launch of nDash.com. Click here: A Note From the Founder. […]

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Freelance Writers are Very Valuable to Companies

March 22, 2017

“I wanted to be the writer, the hero who does (and therefore must know) it all.” – Melanie LoBue (that’s me, the person writing this post, Freelance Writers are Very Valuable to Companies.) In retrospect, this was dumb. Here’s my story and what I learned: I was hired as a content writer for a massive global […]

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Content Creation is a Large Part of a Company’s Culture

March 20, 2017

Where does your content come from? A lone contributor? A small team? Is it – gasp! – outsourced? The best answer you could have given would have been: “Our entire organization produces content.” That’s where content creation comes into play. Some brands get it. They’re fully aware of the benefits that come with producing original […]

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Dumb Questions for Brilliant Marketers: Melissa Stevens

March 19, 2017

When it comes to questions about account-based marketing, KPIs, the sales-marketing gap, and fake enthusiasm for standing desks, few people are as qualified to answer them as Melissa Stevens, the director of digital strategy at BitSight Technologies. Lucky for you, she’s the latest guest in our ongoing series, Dumb Questions for Brilliant Marketers. Enjoy! Stephanie: Marketers are constantly […]

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Writer Spotlight: Kristi Porter

March 17, 2017

We’re really proud of our content community here at nDash, so, needless to say, we’re ecstatic to highlight a writer each week on our blog through our Writer Spotlight Series. This week we’d like to introduce you to Kristi Porter, a freelance writer who is very passionate about writing about social enterprises! nDash: If you […]

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