Freelance Writing Rates and Factors to Keep in Mind

March 17, 2017

This post, How to Set Freelance Writing Rates, is from Nick Mann. Nick is a writer, entrepreneur, and member of the nDash Content Community. As a freelance writer, one of your most important responsibilities is to set your rates. This directly dictates how much you will earn and is a major factor as to whether […]

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Content Creation Worthy of the Top Google Search Results

March 15, 2017

In his book, The Dip, Seth Godin identifies the benefits of being “the best.” Vanilla has 3-4X the sales as the next most popular ice cream flavor. The #1 movie of the weekend routinely makes 4-5X what the second-best movie makes. The same is true for content creation. The top 5 results in Google get almost […]

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Lessons Learned From My First Freelance Writing Job

March 13, 2017

This guest post, Lessons Learned From My First Freelance Writing Job, is from Dave Eagle. Dave is a writer, photographer, and member of the nDash Content Community. It was only 15 minutes after I’d nailed down the first freelance writing gig that I received another email from this new client. I deflated a little bit […]

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Dumb Questions for Brilliant Marketers: Daniel Glickman

March 12, 2017

Daniel Glickman Takes You Into the Mind of a Marketer Another week, another list of dumb questions for brilliant marketers. This week’s guest is none other than Daniel Glickman. At the time of this original interview (March 12, 2017), Daniel was the Chief Marketing Officer at Roojoom. Today, he’s the VP of marketing for Sequel, […]

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Writer Spotlight: Melanie LoBue

March 12, 2017

We personally have enjoyed working with Melanie LoBue (check out the article she wrote for us, 5 Roadblocks to Consistent Content Creation, here), so we’re ecstatic to introduce you to her as well in our latest installment of the Writer Spotlight Series! And hey, maybe you’ll even enjoy singing some Tina Turner karaoke with her […]

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How A Freelance Writer Can Command Higher Rates

March 10, 2017

This guest post, How A Freelance Writer Can Command Higher Rates, is from Nick Mann. Nick is a writer, entrepreneur, and member of the nDash Content Community. When it comes to payment rates, there’s often a power struggle between freelance writers and their clients. Freelancers obviously want to earn as much as possible, while clients […]

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Blogging Tactics for Winning Brands and Using “Newsjacking”

March 6, 2017

Today’s world is extremely connected. When something big happens, it becomes a news story and generates a conversation almost immediately. As marketers, it’s extremely important that we monitor the conversations our audience is a part of and join them. Or, better yet, start a conversation by breaking news that you can relate to your industry […]

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Dumb Questions for Brilliant Marketers: Amahl Williams

March 4, 2017

New Series: Amahl Williams Takes Us Inside the Mind of a Marketer Over the last several years at nDash, we’ve met, conversed, and collaborated with some of the brightest minds in marketing. It recently dawned on us that, although these interactions have been a goldmine of knowledge for us personally, they did nothing for our […]

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The Content Creation Checklist for a Startup Company

March 3, 2017

Dan just fulfilled his dream of opening a record store (let’s pretend this analogy comes to you circa 1976). His shop is filled with all the grooviest music, but when he opens the doors on his first day…no one shows up. Dan scratches his head in confusion. Sure, he could have tried to place some […]

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Content Communities and User-Generated Content Creation

March 1, 2017

If Tom Sawyer had been a content marketer, user-generated content and content communities would have taken off long ago. The idea of getting someone else to create your content while you reap additional rewards sounds almost too good to be true. In one form or another, marketers have been finding ways to source content from […]

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