7 Hacks all (nDash) Blog Writers Should Know About
May 12, 2017
Have you ever clicked on a link that says something like “101 Hacks to Get the Most Out of Your Smartphone” and discovered tons of things you had no idea your phone could do? Well, keep reading because this post is going to tell you about some hacks for blog writers to get more clients […]
Why Blog Writers Should Always Be Pitching Content Ideas
May 10, 2017
As blog writers, how often are you pitching content ideas? According to a recent survey, 43% of freelance writers are looking for new writing jobs every day. But how many are creating them? While new clients and opportunities are definitely out there, it isn’t the only avenue freelance writers should be taking to increase their […]
nDash Platform 101 For Interested Freelance Writers
May 5, 2017
This guest post, nDash Platform 101 For Interested Freelance Writers, is from Patti Podnar. She’s a writer, content strategist, and one of the freelance writers in the nDash Content Community. Being a ghostwriter is kind of like being in the CIA: You’ve seen and done so much…but you can’t tell anybody. And that can be […]
How to Use Content to Beat Your Competition
May 3, 2017
This post, Content Creation Helps Prospective Audiences Choose You, was written by nDash CEO Mike Brown and was originally published on the Clutch.co blog. Business is largely defined by competition. You compete on features and price. And you compete for territories and market share. You also compete for customers. Before that can happen, however, you […]
Content Creation and Technology’s Impact is Increasing
May 1, 2017
Take a moment today and leave the office. Go sit on a park bench or in the middle of the mall, and just take a look around you. Notice how many people are glued to their mobiles? On second thought, you could probably even just look around your office for this exercise. What does this […]
Content Creation Needs to Align With the Audience’s Interests
April 28, 2017
Have you ever noticed the hidden visuals inside some of the world’s most preeminent logos? Once you see them, they can never be unseen. You’ll notice them every time you look at the logo. In a sense, the same is true for your brand and its content creation process. Once you’ve immersed yourself in the […]
Improve Content Creation and Save Time on Marketing
April 26, 2017
You come into the office, check a few emails, and then your head is down, creating content for the next 7 hours, free of all distractions. It doesn’t sound like a typical day, does it? It probably doesn’t sound like a particularly fun day, either. What does this have to do with learning how to […]
Overcome the Fear of Bad Ideas in the Content Creation Process
April 21, 2017
What do the best entrepreneurs and the best content marketers have in common? They come up with a lot of bad ideas in the content creation process. George Steinbrenner bankrupted a small basketball team before successfully managing the New York Yankees for 37 years. Arianna Huffington, the owner of The Huffington Post, had her second […]
Content Creation: Market Research Surveys To Drive Strategies
April 19, 2017
Market research is often thought of as a way to collect data to improve internal processes. Organizations typically use market research to answer the following questions: “How do our customers rate our customer service?” “Why do our customers choose our product or service?” “How likely are our customers to recommend our company?” This type of […]
A Freelance Writer Should Not Be Publishing Content Anonymously
April 17, 2017
Think of all the professions that require anonymity. The list is pretty short: CIA agent, the Phantom Chef, and…um…escorts, I suppose. That’s basically it. For all other professions, especially if you’re a freelance writer, anonymity just gets in the way. In my brief career, I’ve yet to hear someone utter the phrase, “I really just […]