nDash Chosen for Exclusive Boston Accelerator Program

May 24, 2017

Exciting times here at nDash! Yesterday, as you might have seen, we were accepted into MassChallenge Boston’s 2017 accelerator program. For the next four months, the founding team and I will be working out of a new Boston office. We’ll work alongside fellow startups and seasoned entrepreneurs. Considering that we were chosen from a pool […]

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How to Use Content to Beat Your Competition

May 3, 2017

This post, Content Creation Helps Prospective Audiences Choose You, was written by nDash CEO Mike Brown and was originally published on the Clutch.co blog. Business is largely defined by competition. You compete on features and price. And you compete for territories and market share. You also compete for customers. Before that can happen, however, you […]

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Content Creation Needs to Align With the Audience’s Interests

April 28, 2017

Have you ever noticed the hidden visuals inside some of the world’s most preeminent logos? Once you see them, they can never be unseen. You’ll notice them every time you look at the logo. In a sense, the same is true for your brand and its content creation process. Once you’ve immersed yourself in the […]

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A Freelance Writer Should Not Be Publishing Content Anonymously

April 17, 2017

Think of all the professions that require anonymity. The list is pretty short: CIA agent, the Phantom Chef, and…um…escorts, I suppose. That’s basically it. For all other professions, especially if you’re a freelance writer, anonymity just gets in the way. In my brief career, I’ve yet to hear someone utter the phrase, “I really just […]

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Hack the Entrepreneur Featuring Michael Brown

March 22, 2017

Starting and running a business is often seen as a tactical, logistical endeavor. But as Michael Brown discussed in a recent Hack the Entrepreneur podcast, it’s also a highly creative process. You can also learn more about Michael Brown, his freelance writing background, and the launch of nDash.com. Click here: A Note From the Founder. […]

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Content Creation is a Large Part of a Company’s Culture

March 20, 2017

Where does your content come from? A lone contributor? A small team? Is it – gasp! – outsourced? The best answer you could have given would have been: “Our entire organization produces content.” That’s where content creation comes into play. Some brands get it. They’re fully aware of the benefits that come with producing original […]

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The ROI of Content Creation Marketing

February 22, 2017

“I can’t afford content right now.” We hear this a lot. We understand. When you start to look at the costs of content creation on a regular basis, the numbers can seem a bit daunting. It isn’t cheap. At the same time, the ROI of content marketing is substantial, which I’m about to show you […]

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New Feature: Content Sources

February 21, 2017

“What am I going to write about today?” Back in my content creation days, this was a question I asked myself every morning. And it was a question I answered (partially, anyway) by scanning the latest headlines for relevant new stories. With that in mind, I’m happy to announce a new beta feature in the […]

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How Much Should I Pay for Content Creation?

February 15, 2017

Let’s talk about money. Specifically, the money you’re spending on content marketing. Are you paying too much for content creation? Too little? Are you not paying anything at all? Maybe you’re just getting started or have been producing content regularly for years. Regardless, at some point, you have asked (or are still asking), “Exactly what […]

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Platform Feature Updates (2.8.17)

February 8, 2017

What’s new in the nDash platform? I’m glad you asked. Thanks to some great feedback (both writers and brands), we’re excited to highlight several new features designed to make content creation even easier. Let’s take a look: Feedback/Messaging on Pitches (for brands)  If you’ve received a content pitch from a writer that’s almost there (but […]

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