Sherilyn Moore Freelance Writer Spotlight

Sherilyn Moore: Freelance Writer Spotlight

nDash’s Managing Editor, Jenn Greenleaf, talks to Sherilyn Moore about her background as a full-time freelance writer and much more!

Background: The Highlights

Sherilyn Moore is an accomplished freelance writer with a diverse background in various industries. Her academic achievements include dual bachelor’s degrees in English and Communications, supplemented by an Inbound Marketing Certification from HubSpot Academy.

Sherilyn’s varied work experiences, which span roles in an educational institution, co-ownership of a small heating and cooling business, service in a non-profit homeless outreach, and editorship of a periodical paper, have further broadened her skills and knowledge.

With a distinguished freelance writing career, Sherilyn has sold over 2,500 pieces of content across various industries. Examples include accounting, advertising, business consulting, and education. Her portfolio also extends into other industries, including:

  • Healthcare
  • Home décor
  • Human Resources
  • Legal
  • Marketing
  • Non-profit
  • Real Estate
  • SEO

nDash’s Discussion with Sherilyn Moore

Sherilyn Moore Header

Jenn: Can you tell us about your experience as a freelance writer and the types of projects you have worked on?

Sherilyn: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. In the 5th grade, I was recognized for my creative writing skills, and in high school, I wrote poems and stories and helped with the yearbook. So, it wasn’t surprising that one of my B.A. degrees is in English with a concentration in creative writing.

Later, I did some non-paying writing work (mostly children’s stories). I started writing as a job at the end of 2015 and have written blogs, landing pages, website material, e-books (2), social media posts, and one radio spot. Most of my work is as a ghostwriter, but I am a regular byline writer with American Addiction Centers.

Jenn: How do you approach content creation, and what strategies do you use to ensure high-quality output?

Sherilyn: I read the brief and instructions first. When these are thorough, I move right to developing an outline. If I’m a bit unsure about what the client wants, I look at the blogs on their website to get a feel for the tone, style, and format.

I usually always write an outline first, especially if I know enough about the topic. Often, the keywords help direct this process. Next, I do whatever research is needed to help my understanding and to add quality stats. Sometimes the research phase will lead me to change the outline or add to it. Finally, I jump in and start writing, stopping to do additional research as needed.

Jenn: As a freelance writer, how do you conduct online research to gather accurate and reliable information for your content?

Sherilyn: I may preview the top Google results if I’m looking for general knowledge information. Sometimes the client’s website contains the information I need to understand a topic better. When I need to quote statistics or find data, I stick with .gov or .edu sources.

Jenn: How did nDash become part of your freelance writing journey?

Sherilyn: I think a friend referred me to nDash. A short time after getting accepted, I had one of the account managers reach out to me about writing for a high-volume client. I had an excellent working relationship with her and the founder, Michael Brown. They are extremely responsive to questions and supportive of the writers.

The Rest of nDash’s Conversation with Sherilyn

Sherilyn Moore Sherilyn’s forte is creating compelling, well-researched content tailored to her client’s needs. Her remarkable ability to adapt her writing style to different subjects has consistently yielded high-quality, impactful content, making her a sought-after professional for content creation and marketing.

Jenn: You have expertise in writing about addiction, law, real estate and property management, and SEO. How do you stay updated on the latest trends and developments in these industries?

Sherilyn: I do mostly all addiction blogs, with some miscellaneous topics and industries sprinkled in. I worked on a real estate and property management account for a few years but not in the last few months.

I stay updated on the addiction space by accessing data from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

As a side note, I watch a lot of lawyers provide commentary as they livestream trials on YouTube. It’s surprising how much you can learn from listening to them explain the law in real-time.

Jenn: Can you share an example of a challenging writing project you have worked on and how you approached it to deliver a successful outcome?

Sherilyn: I worked with a client who was a business coach, and she authored a book on the topic. She wanted a writer to work with that could imitate her tone and style of writing.

She had a unique approach and method to business coaching, which was her selling point. So, understanding her perspective was crucial. I read a lot of material she wrote and watched videos of her talking before I felt confident writing in her voice.

After doing a few monthly posts, she asked me to write an e-book with several chapters. I was able to accomplish this successfully since I’d already immersed myself in her content.

Jenn: Can you provide insights into your process of self-improvement as a freelance writer? What steps do you take to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge base continuously?

Sherilyn: Hmm. I took the Inbound Marketing class offered by HubSpot Academy. Other than that, I just study what I need as I need it.

I think my writing skills have gotten better over time from using Grammarly Premium. I remember past corrections and put them into practice going forward.

Jenn: What steps do you take to ensure your writing is original and avoids plagiarism? How do you navigate the fine line between incorporating existing research and providing fresh insights in your work?

Sherilyn: If I don’t know much about a subject, I’ll read until I understand it. This enables me to explain it to someone else. I’ve always loved reading and learning new information. So, in most cases, I get enough knowledge to create an outline. An original outline brings a unique perspective to the topic. It helps avoid having content too similar to what is already online.

Another thing I do is brainstorm about the topic, coming up with H2 and H3 headings or posing questions to drive the idea. Once I get the framework this way, I know the main ideas are original. Then I’ll “learn” whatever new information I need to fill in the gaps.

Jenn: How do you stay organized and manage multiple writing projects simultaneously? Can you share any strategies or tools you use to streamline your workflow?

Sherilyn: I use my Google calendar to put the number of jobs due for the date. I abbreviate the company/client’s name alongside the number of posts they want that day. Then if I get a request for another job, I can see how booked I am. I am careful not to overextend myself because meeting deadlines is critical to me.

Jenn: As a freelance writer, how do you stay motivated and maintain consistent creativity in your work? Are there any techniques you rely on to overcome creative challenges?

Sherilyn: It really helps if I can write about various topics because that alone keeps my creativity flowing. But a lot of times, I have to write several posts about a similar topic, sometimes with a provided similar outline.

This can be a challenge!

So, I can switch to another assignment in a different industry or on another topic to mix things up. Or I must put forth much more effort to keep a creative mindset. I remind myself that I need to change it up, be creative, and so on. Sometimes it’s by sheer will; other times, coffee helps. 😊

Thank you for talking to me about your career as a freelance writer, Sherilyn!

Work with Sherilyn Moore on nDash Today!

Do you have a project that aligns with Sherilyn’s expertise? Check out her writing portfolio to learn more about how her background can help level up your content strategy: Sherilyn Moore.

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