Autumn Glading Freelance Writer Spotlight

Autumn Glading: Freelance Writer Spotlight

nDash’s Managing Editor, Jenn Greenleaf, talks to Autumn Glading about her background as a freelance writer, geek culture, and more!

Background: The Highlights

Autumn Glading is a versatile freelance writer with extensive experience creating content for diverse industries. She has collaborated with companies like Sideshow Inc, Nexon Games, National Cannabis Industry Association, WhedonCon, and Geek Girls Society, adapting her writing style to various audiences and mediums. Autumn’s expertise spans social media marketing, brand building, and a wide range of topics, including entertainment, business, law, utilities, cannabis, restaurants, retail, health, fitness, self-help, and personal growth.

In geek culture, Autumn has covered popular IPs like Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and more, exploring concepts like fandom phenomenon, community building, and the reflection of society and current events. Additionally, her background covers areas like parenting, relationships, LGBTQ+ issues, Autism, mental health, pets, and travel. With strong project management skills and excellent client communication, Autumn is known for crafting effective and compelling content that achieves results.

nDash’s Discussion with Autumn Glading

Autumn Glading Header

Jenn: Thank you for your interest in participating in this series! To kick things off, can you tell me about your background as a freelance writer?

Autumn: I’ve been a part of the writing realm for more than 25 years, stemming from my experience running my photography business, where I had to write everything from marketing copy to email newsletters.

I’ve always enjoyed the creative process of writing, and this, combined with a natural curiosity and empathy, has allowed me to write effectively for a variety of clients across different industries.

Going freelance was initially a means to support me through college while studying for my marketing degree. Still, I continued even after venturing into corporate life because I found it to be a rewarding creative outlet.

Jenn: Your LinkedIn profile is booming with social media management experience. Can you tell me about that and what led you to pursue that career path?

Autumn: I transitioned into social media management after spending 18 years in the photography industry. I’ve always had an affinity for the marketing aspect of running a business, and it seemed like the next logical step for me.

As a part of my marketing degree, I focused on content marketing and social media management. I’m drawn to the dynamic nature of social media, where platforms, strategies, and best practices are always evolving, and it’s this forward momentum that I thrive on.

Jenn: I see that your background also includes photography and founding the Santa Clarita Valley Professional Photographers Association. Can you tell me about that and what you find most rewarding about working with a non-profit organization?

Autumn: When I was a photographer and a young mother, I noticed a lack of a network among local photographers, which became particularly evident when I was searching for someone to refer my clients to during my maternity leave.

Always one to embrace a challenge and a new project, I took the initiative to start a network for us. We built a solid community where we could support and learn from each other, hosting competitions, mentoring aspiring photographers, and even putting on gallery shows.

The Rest of nDash’s Conversation With Autumn

Autumn Glading, Freelance Writer

Autumn Glading is a seasoned expert in community-building, brand growth, and team management for entertainment and geek culture brands. With a deep passion for social media, she drives strategies, analyzes results, and stays up-to-date on the latest trends.

Autumn has produced numerous fan events and live streams, fostering genuine connections between brands and their audiences. As a leader, she is dedicated to the growth and development of her team members. With over 300 pieces of live stream content produced in three years, Autumn showcases her expertise and unwavering commitment to this field.

Jenn: How did nDash become part of your journey as a freelance writer?

Autumn: As a freelance writer, it was important for me to find a platform that offered ample opportunities without having to spend too much time hustling for work or chasing down payments.

I was impressed with nDash’s platform and how it connected writers with a wide array of industries and clients. It seemed like an ideal place to invest my time.

Jenn: You’re quite active on the platform with pitches – can you tell me what that experience has been like?

Autumn: My experience on nDash has been extremely positive. The platform is user-friendly and full of opportunities. I have found that I’m only limited by the amount of time I want to spend researching and creating pitches.

There are tons of clients to pitch to! They provide so much useful information to help you know what they are looking for so you aren’t pitching in the dark!

I found it helpful to dedicate two full days to researching and pitching and then allowing those pitches to sit and wait for clients to discover them. While most of the pitches were not accepted right away, there are some I pitched weeks ago that would suddenly turn into assignments. It was well worth the investment, and I’ll definitely do another round of concentrated research and pitches again!

The clients I’ve worked with through nDash have been wonderful – professional, clear in their expectations, and open to collaboration. One standout experience was working with a client for whom English was a second language. It was a rewarding experience to navigate the cultural differences, learn from each other, and produce content that resonated with their target audience.

Jenn: What advice would you give other freelance writers about pitching on nDash?

Autumn: My biggest tip to other freelance writers is to be proactive and consistent. Spend time researching the company profile, reviewing their blog, and submitting multiple pitches with different ideas, lengths, and prices. This approach shows the potential client the scope of what you can bring to the table.

Consistency and activity are key to finding great clients. Take risks! Try new industries you haven’t worked with before and do some research to learn about them. You never know where it will lead.

Jenn: I love that your experience also includes covering fandom and geek culture. Can you tell me how that ties into your work as a freelance writer?

Autumn: I’ve always been an active participant in the fandom and geek culture space, even speaking on convention panels and hosting livestream discussions. The vibrant creativity in superhero, sci-fi, and fantasy content fuels my own creativity as a writer. It drives my curiosity, ignites my passion for learning new things, and inspires me to connect with the audience creatively and authentically.

Jenn: What tools do you use most often to manage your work as a freelance writer and social media manager?

Autumn: Google Sheets has been invaluable in organizing my work. I use it to track my pitches, take notes, monitor trends, and keep tabs on my time and expenses. It helps me ensure that I’m working efficiently and that my efforts are resulting in a worthwhile income.

I also find my Grammarly Pro account and Hemingway app indispensable for ensuring quality and appropriateness in my writing.

Jenn: What challenges do you face when managing your freelance writing and social media management careers alongside each other? How do you overcome those challenges?

Autumn: Managing both social media and freelance writing can be demanding due to the multi-tasking involved. I employ a time-blocking technique to tackle this, dedicating chunks of time exclusively to specific tasks. This allows me to focus on one area at a time and enhances my productivity.

Jenn: What’s the best career-related advice you’ve ever received, and how does it play into your current experiences?

Autumn: The most impactful advice I’ve received is always to keep an eye on the big picture. Ensure that your work contributes in some way to your larger career goals. Whether adding new challenges and accomplishments to your writing portfolio or generating a good ROI, your work should always drive you forward. Never stop challenging yourself, and never stop learning. Allocating time for your own education is vital – every month should bring a new skill, strategy, or best practice.

Thank you for chatting with me about your career as a freelance writer!

Work With Autumn Glading on nDash Today!

Do you have content needs on your editorial calendar aligning with Autumn’s expertise? Check out her nDash writing profile to learn about how her background can level up your content strategy: Autumn Glading.

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