How to use AI to boost your B2B content

How to use AI to boost your B2B content

This post, “How to use AI to boost your B2B content,” was written by nDash community member Jenn Landers

The use of AI is gaining in popularity across many industries. Many companies are seeing a promising ROI, especially when considering time savings. In fact, mining companies are seeing a 20% productivity increase from switching to AI technologies. How does AI copy-generating technology measure up against other AI technology?

I know, as a writer, I’m supposed to be shouting from the rooftops that AI-generated copy can’t convey the emotional aspects of the message…yet. The truth is, there are a lot of ways to use this technology to help you craft compelling content fast. Here are three ways to use AI “Copywriters” to help boost your B2B content.

Market Research

B2B prospects make their decisions based on their perceptions of your efficiency and expertise.  With each piece of content you create, your prospects evaluate the value your business could bring to their business. They want to feel equipped to make an educated decision when deciding to use your product/service or one of your competitors. This is no short order to fill. The research alone that’s needed to fulfill the prospects’ needs is a daunting task. It requires hours of tedious research and market analysis every week. You research keywords, pain points, competitors’ controls, and each piece of data available to you. Even after all that time and careful research, more than 50% of searches end without a click on a website.

Imagine if you could use technology to do hours of research in seconds. Frase is a platform that uses AI technology to do just that. When you use their services, you no longer have to spend hours clicking through websites searching for information. Frase can even provide outlines for your content topics. It has three tools specific for content creation: content research, content briefs, and content optimization. This platform helps drive SEO results and saves you (and your writer) time.

B2B Content Strategy

After you’ve compiled relevant research, the first step to creating great content is a detailed strategy. 77% of companies report using a content marketing strategy. While developing strong strategies takes time, the fact that content marketing brings in three times more leads than paid searches makes it worth spending time to get it right. One content strategy that’s proven effective is updating old content with new statistics and relevant antidotes. Al “copywriters” can generate new statistics and information quickly. This leaves your writers free to focus on creatively incorporating the new information while making the old content relatable to current audiences.

After old content is updated, good content strategies will conceptualize new campaign approaches. These approaches can build off previous campaigns or go in a completely new direction. There are 70 million new posts on WordPress each month alone. This illustrates one of the main challenges when designing new content strategies. Figuring out how to make your content stand out amongst the crowd. With so much information to sift through, it’s easy for your content team to become overwhelmed and experience idea fatigue. A major benefit of using AI to help conceptualize is AI doesn’t get idea fatigue. It will continue to offer new concepts with different perspectives each time you click a button. Not all the ideas will be good ones. But it shifts the team’s focus from the data to the details. It allows the content team to spend their brainpower on high-level concept development instead of idea generation.

First Drafts

With the research complete and the strategy finalized, it’s time for your writers to start putting together specific content outlines and drafts. 20% of content writers take six hours to write a single blog. There is pressure to get the content ready to publish fast. But fast content turnover might not be helping secure as many leads as you’d want. There is a correlation between the length of time spent writing and the overall success of the content. One reason is that writers who take the time to research know the audience better. What if, instead of trying to get faster and less effective content, you could use AI to generate the first draft of the content?

Tools like CopyAI allow you to generate marketing copy in seconds. Although there are claims that AI-generated copy is just as good as a human writer, it’s best used as a first draft. These tools are great at helping structure the content, identifying pain points, and providing ideas for the hero text. After the first draft is generated, writers can take the information and form it into great content. There might come a day when AI-generated copy can correctly convey complex human emotions, but the technology isn’t there quite yet. Think of AI copy generators as a complementary tool your business’s writers can have at their fingertips.

How can AI “Copywriters” boost your B2B Content?

Investing in AI technologies can give your content team more time. AI-generated copy is great at answering the questions your prospects have. In seconds you can have product/service comparisons and reviews. Without having to spend hours researching and basic idea generation, your team can focus their energies on crafting compelling content that gets your business more leads. Or better yet, more sales.

AI technologies might not be able to understand the complexity of human emotion. It can compile information and organize it logically. While it’s my opinion that they can’t replace the writers on your team, this technology can work alongside your writers so they can focus on writing content. AI “Copywriters” offer your business the boost it needs to do what it does best. Be the solution to other businesses’ problems.

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash